User Security Check

When you think of your site for a moment, as a physical building, be it your home or office, every user is a door to that building.

Suppose your site has five Admin users who all use strong passwords (such as 50 characters or more) and two-factor authentication as a secondary layer of protection to access the site. But ONE user has a weak password that has probably been published online (e.g. 'Password' or 'pass1234'), or if their user account has been inactive for months, giving hackers or bots plenty of time to potentially break their password, building or site is vulnerable because of that one account.

Good user-level security checks are absolutely essential for protecting your WordPress sites.

All features are included in our plans!

Website SLA

€ 24,95

Pro SLA package includes all features

per website per month

(bulk discount can be discussed with multiple websites)

Webshop SLA

€ 29,95

Pro SLA package includes all features

per webshop per month

(bulk discount can be discussed with multiple websites)

Technical details

  • Username

Hover over the username to edit or delete the user.

  • Two factor authentication

Lock icons indicate whether the two-factor authentication has already been activated for the user.

  • Last active

Displays the time when the user was last active on your site. This information can indicate whether a user has been compromised.

  • Sessions

Displays the number of current login locations. Click a button to log out the user from all locations.

  • Roll

Change a user's role. This is useful if a user has a role with higher access than necessary.