Strong Passwords

Your WordPress security is only as good as your WordPress password security. If you have a simple password, you have an easy site to hack.

Set the user level on your site (administrators, editors, users, etc.) to have strong passwords. Strong password enforcement is one of the best ways to lock down WordPress.

Your WordPress password must meet the following requirements:

  • Use numbers, capital letters, special characters (@, #, *, etc.)
  • Be long (10 characters - minimum; 50 characters - ideal)
  • May contain spaces and be a passphrase (do not use the same password in multiple places)
  • Change passwords every 120 days or 4 months

After enabling strong password enforcement from the security dashboard, you will be taken to a user profile page. In the Account Management section, you can generate a strong password with just one click.

IThemes Security allows you to enable WordPress password expiration. We recommend changing passwords every 120 days or 4 months, and with this setting you can force users to change their passwords after a specified number of days.

All features are included in our plans!

Website SLA

€ 24,95

Pro SLA package includes all features

per website per month

(bulk discount can be discussed with multiple websites)

Webshop SLA

€ 29,95

Pro SLA package includes all features

per webshop per month

(bulk discount can be discussed with multiple websites)