Brute-force Security

Brute force attack is a common problem for WordPress site owners. This feature provides WordPress brute force protection by limiting the number of failed login attempts per user. This means that if someone tries to guess your password, it will be locked out after a few tries.

Brute force attacks use the simplest method of accessing a site: by trying to guess usernames and passwords, over and over, until they are successful. WordPress sites are prone to this form of attack by default because the system allows users unlimited login attempts.

Using a WordPress security plugin like iThemes Security provides brute force protection by allowing you to adjust login limits. The host user will be banned after the specified incorrect login threshold is reached.

iThemes Security uses two different methods of WordPress brute force protection: local and network.

  1. Local brute force protection only looks at attempts to access your site. Users will be banned according to the lockout rules specified locally on your WordPress site.
  2. Network brute force protection goes a step further by prohibiting users who have attempted to break into other sites from breaking into your site.

All features are included in our plans!

Website SLA

€ 24,95

Pro SLA package includes all features

per website per month

(bulk discount can be discussed with multiple websites)

Webshop SLA

€ 29,95

Pro SLA package includes all features

per webshop per month

(bulk discount can be discussed with multiple websites)